“There's a comfort in the familiarity of worrying, even though
I know it has no impact on what I’m worrying about.”
Overthinking is the plight of many of us big feelers, but if it leaves us feeling worse, why do we do it at all?
What might we do instead?
In this episode, we chat about:
Grey’s Anatomy as a tool of emotional catharsis
Whether rumination is the same as a compulsive behavior
What a mozzie bit is and whether or not you should scratch one
The itchiness of emotionally-charged 2:00 a.m. thoughts
How we can mindfully intervene when we’re lured by the siren song of overthinking
Show notes
Grey’s Anatomy (2005 —)
Freaky Friday (2003)
”Anger and Catharsis: Myth, Metaphor or Reality?” [Psychology Today]
You Are Not A Rock: A Step-by-Step Guide to Better Mental Health (for Humans)
by Mark Freeman (YouTube, Instagram)
“Why Do I Get So Hot When I Sleep?” [Sleep Foundation]
“Nick Wignall Sleeps Better By Worrying Deliberately” [The Art of Attention]
Mason, A. E., Kasl, P., Soltani, S., Green, A., Hartogensis, W., Dilchert, S., Chowdhary, A., Pandya, L. S., Siwik, C. J., Foster, S. L., Nyer, M., Lowry, C. A., Raison, C. L., Hecht, F. M., & Smarr, B. L. (2024). Elevated body temperature is associated with depressive symptoms: Results from the TemPredict Study. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 1884. (link)
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Podcast theme music by Nikita Karmen
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